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Featured image for Quality Conversations
DATE: 10/01/24
PRICE: £50.00 / £100.00

Quality Conversations

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Quality Conversations Session 1

Date: 10th January 2024
Time: 14:00 - 16:00
Location: NASMA Website
Facilitated by: John Drysdale

Have you ever come away from a conversation or telephone call feeling completely deflated? And have you ever felt that you weren’t able to deal with the other person in the way you would like?

Quality Conversations is an interactive, online seminar giving you the confidence to develop new approaches to some of the sensitive and often difficult conversations you have, in the service we provide to our students.

The session will explore how to:

• Manage ‘difficult’ conversations with empathy and understanding
• Frame bad news and deliver difficult messages
• Manage a range of emotions
• Use questions to explore solutions and better outcomes
• Use active listening and demonstrate empathy


Featured image for Fin Cap Discussion Zone
DATE: 25/01/24 Nasma Members Only
PRICE: £0.00 / £0.00

Fin Cap Discussion Zone

More info

Session 1

Date: 25th January 2024
Time: 10:00 - 11:00
Location: NASMA
Facilitated by: Louise Reid & Jacqui Hamilton

Join the Financial Capability and Research Committee to chat about all things Fin Cap! If you are looking for ideas, to share best practice or even just to find out more, do come along to the online Fin Cap Discussion Zone.

Talking Points:

Student Lifecycle – How do we best plan effective fin cap offerings over time? This might be reflective of the overall student lifecycle from pre-entry to graduation or simply over the academic year.

How to Have a Happy January – How do we best beat the January blues with our students? Some people find the dark months after Christmas tough. Many institutions report a fall in engagement and enthusiasm overall. How can fin cap support this? What might help improve the overall mood and get students back on track?

How Did You Do That? – An opportunity to ask committee members with particular experience, questions about how to approach different fin cap projects.

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